No more working from outdated systems and
paradigms designed to keep you small!

It is time to STOP compartmentalizing
yourself into separate boxes for different aspects
of life and work from who you are, everywhere!



Sacred Seasonal Collective

The Anti-Mastermind Mastermind


Too many times, in too many places, we are
asked to be multiple things to multiple people.

Enrollment Closes In:









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Doesn’t it get exhausting keeping all the parts of yourself separated into little boxes, bringing out the ‘right’ one according to the circumstances? 

How will you ever know your true potential and success until you unite ALL aspects of who you are?

For too long, we have been told, "Don’t be too much"...

Or, maybe, "Don’t let everyone see the real, real you"...

"Don’t let your spiritual show in your business"...

"Use systems and processes over here but use your intuition over there"...

Follow THIS way...
No, THAT way... 

Perhaps you have even started believing you have to
be in your masculine all the time to be a leader and be successful. 

What if I could guide you through a different way, where you allowed
your true self to show up,
take the reins and start living the life of flow
and ease
you know deep inside you is possible?

You’ve been told you can have it all,
but at what cost does that come? 

Burnout? Overwhelm?
Never feeling like you’re FULLY present?


Proven Process

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Step by Step Instructions

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Private Community Support

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Lifetime Access

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As Seen In


This is exactly why I created a year-long collective to help you unite the masculine and feminine so that you can align your spirituality with your every day and be who you truly are
ALL aspects of your life.  

Because you CAN have it all.

Just...not using the systems that were precisely designed to turn OFF your power and disconnect you from your innate ability to tune into and maximize your intuition and spiritual knowing.

Are you stuck in the DOING?

Have you ever noticed that most systems designed for success are all about the go, go, go and do, do, do as if masculine energy was the only component in living a fulfilled, content and happy life? 

And sure, masculine energy does play its part. 

But problems arise when you get stuck in the doing all of the time... 

When you believe that the more you do, the more boxes you tick, the more you color in between the lines, the better the outcomes will be.

I am here to tell you that it is simply not true... 

Many of the systems and processes you are adhering to actually keep you from playing full out, which is kinda ironic because the masculine systems have been designed to play full out ALL of the time. 

And therein lies the PROBLEM...

Can Spring bloom into life without the stillness
of the Winter that came before it? 

Can an athlete have optimum performance if they
trained every day for 365 days with no rest days off? 


So, what makes most people think they can apply the
same only-masculine and only-logical principles and
attain the most favorable results?

Sure, you will most likely receive some results,
but at WHAT COST??

What reason would you swim upstream when you can
align with the Laws of the Universe 
and create results from
a place of 
flow, peace and harmony? 

This is what becomes possible when you
follow the Seasons and cycles
that we are naturally attuned to...


When you move with the ebbs and flows, just as
nature does, seamlessly blending the doing with the creating,
the push and the pull. 

There must be a balance and a flow to integrate
and honor ALL parts of you. 

No more separate boxes of "spiritual you" and "everyday you." 

No more incessant doing and doing with no pause.

Imagine your life fully integrated,
all parts of you aligned and working together in harmony. 

A Season for learning and action
taking and a Season for recapitulation, implementation and creation.










Join The Goddess Moon Circle During This Exclusive Offer! 


For a limited-time you can join The Goddess Moon Circle for just a ONE-TIME payment of $1597! 





It is time to break free from these outdated, patriarchal systems
and solutions that are no longer working for today’s heart-centered
spiritual entrepreneurs and difference-makers of the world.

A time to lead with all parts of you. Be who you are, everywhere. 

Because swapping out hats and roles, being a chameleon
depending on your circumstances is utterly exhausting, right?  

No more keeping the 3D and 5D separate in your life.

This Collective will guide you on how to blend them,
no more being split within yourself, as well --

that shit has been massively limiting your potential!


It’s time to reconnect with what you want.

It’s time to stop living in fear...

Being who you really are and finding out what that
means as you navigate your world, leading with fully
integrated masculine and feminine energy.

I invite you to join an intimate space designed
for full exploration of your inner self.


What the Collective looks like:

  • This is a powerful combination of spiritual guidance with master coaching from Ichel 

  • We follow the flow of the Seasons: 2 months learning and taking action followed by 1 month of implementation and recapitulation. In other words, 2 months ‘on’ in Masculine energy, then 1 month ‘off’ in Feminine energy

  • The Year is sectioned into 4 Seasons: 
    April - June = Spring

    July - September = Summer

    October - December = Autumn

    Jan - March = Winter

  • Each Season carries an energetic component for deeper understanding
    Spring = alchemy > GRATITUDE

    Summer = growth > ACTION

    Autumn = release > RECIPROCITY

    Winter = rest > STILLNESS 

  • ‘On’ months contain 1 live call to deliver that month's teaching plus 1 live call for hotseat coaching opportunities

  • Master coaching to help identify blind spots keeping you stuck in your current paradigm

  • Spiritual guidance to fully ‘see’ what is really happening

  • ‘Off’ months contain guided meditations, journal prompts and accountability check-ins

  • All replays, information, etc. housed in your personal portal 

  • Exclusive Facebook group to share, post and connect with your community

This Collective is for you if:

  • You are ready to go deeper on your spiritual journey and discovery 

  • You have an understanding of spiritual paths and cycles but aren’t sure how to integrate it into your everyday life 

  • You are ready to learn how to take the quantum and infuse it into the 3D 

  • You are looking for a trusted community and guide who can help you embrace the power within you

  • You want to leverage the feminine and the masculine to not just visualize your success, but truly achieve it without stepping back into to the old paradigms


Through this Collective, you will be able to:

  • Master the polarity of your spiritual journey through transformational coaching guided by seasonal rhythms 

  • Dismantle the societal beliefs that keep you from embracing your true power and stuck as a smaller version of yourself

  • Connect and align your spirituality to your everyday life 

  • Blend and infuse that 3D and 5D rather than keeping them separate 

  • Prioritize yourself and live the life you KNOW you want vs. the life you THINK you should want 

  • Discover the pathway to your true self and learn how to walk it with intention 

  • Take the steps you KNOW you need to take to be who you truly are and live the purpose you know your soul is calling you to 

Join me for a FULL YEAR to...

Discover everything that is possible when you fully align with your TRUE self, your TRUE purpose and your TRUE power. 

No more separation of masculine and feminine. 

No more separation of spiritual and every day. 

No more inner conflict...

Only unified and integrated, beautiful YOU!



Yes, once you opt in to this Seasonal offering, you will be granted access to ONE YEAR of Moon Circle Movement membership. Including:

  • Live new and full moon calls each month
  • Private exclusive community
  • Impromptu FB lives and Q & As
  • Awakening journal prompts that align with the lunar cycle
  • Ritual guidance
  • Weekly card pulls by yours truly
Allow me to be your guide...

I'm Ichel Francis!

With me as your guide, you will learn how to reconnect, reclaim and reemerge into your highest self.

This will not only transform your life, but will also impact the lives of all those around you.

Imagine being rooted into who you really are in your relationships, with your partner, your family, your team and, most of all, with yourself.

Consider how that will effortlessly change how you feel, how you think, and how you show up because your business and everything you do is a reflection of YOU.

You can choose to BE your most powerful and aligned self.

I am here to help you step into your full power and stop playing small by blending the 5D and 3D without relying on the old paradigms you have already released. 

I am here to help you step into your full power and stop
playing small by blending the 5D and 3D and without relying on the old paradigms you have already released. 


Let’s amplify all that you are through the practices of
ancient times so you can create your next level in this present moment.


Are you ready to transform your life?

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